Quran is the Book

Quran is the Book which is revealed Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) with a period of twenty-three years through Hazrat Jibrail. It was revealed in portions. In Arabic Wahi means revelation.

Allah revealed the Quran from time to time to meet the changing situations and the requirement of the Muslim community. The Quran is a complete code of life and a comprehensive Book which provides guidance in all spheres of human activity and its teachings.

There are 114 chapters in Quran which are called Surah which means step or degree. Sometimes whole Surahs were revealed and sometimes portions, which were arranged under the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) directions. All Surahs have different lengths, the longest Surah is Surah Baqarah and the shortest is Surah Kausar which has only three ayats.

All Surahs are divided into Ruku (sections) except the last thirty-five. Each Ruku contains one subject. The Surahs are divided into ayats which means communication or sign from Allah.

Every Surah of the Quran begins with Bismillah except Surah Taubah which is the ninth Surah of the Quran. There are thirty parts in Quran called Paras. Quran is divided into further seven parts which are called Manzil.

Characteristics of the Holy Quran

Quran is the greatest gift of Allah to human beings. Its purpose is to guide humanity to the straight path. It is the actual word of Allah and it is beyond human imagination to produce anything similar to it.

Some of Hazrat Muhammad’s (PBUH) contemporaries were the greatest masters of the Arabic language, but they could not produce anything like the Quran either in content or in style.

Quran is a complete and comprehensive Book, clearly defining the permitted and forbidden, the lawful and unlawful. The Quran is spiritual guidance for man, his system of law, his code of ethics, and his way of life. Quran covers the entire area of human affairs. It is a code that has no barriers, places and boundaries.

A major characteristic of the Quran is that there is a moving force that provokes the mind, as is evident from the fact that when Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) first started to preach, his only power was the Quranic wisdom through which he attracted people to Islam.

The Quran pays attention to all the needs of man and deals with them in such a way as to help him realize the noble objectives of his being.

It is the unique Book that enjoys the distinction of being original, pure, authentic, and original in its contents and order, a quality that no other book of any kind can claim. It stands today as it first came down, over 1400 years ago, and shall always remain to be so as Allah has promised to safeguard it from any violations in its purity:

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